Termini e condizioni



Le seguenti parole e frasi, utilizzate frequentemente nelle presenti Condizioni generali, avranno il significato specificato di seguito e si applicheranno indipendentemente dal loro utilizzo nel presente Contratto di servizio.

Il cliente o l'utente: the addressee of the Engagement Letter, who has contracted Salmön+Salmön, the official tradename of #NotOnlyIdeas NV.

Ambito di lavoro: una lettera e/o un documento analogo (e-mail o simili) che descriva l'ambito di lavoro a cui sono allegate le presenti Condizioni Generali.

Contratto di consulenza: un contratto/accordo che descrive l'incarico a cui sono allegate le presenti Condizioni generali.

Salmön+Salmön: the official tradename of #NotOnlyIdeas NV, avendo il suo principal place of business at Vlierbeekberg, 90 3090 Overijse and registered in Vlaams Brabant (Halle Vilvoorde jurisdiction) in Belgium.

Le parti: Salmön+Salmön and/or the Client.

Servizi: i servizi professionali che devono essere forniti da #NotOnlyIdeas sulla base della Lettera di Incarico o del Contratto di Consulenza.

Contratto di servizio: le presenti Condizioni Generali e il Contratto di Consulenza/Lettera di Incarico, unitamente a qualsiasi altro documento menzionato nella Lettera di Incarico.

Articolo 1: Campo di applicazione

These General Terms and Conditions apply to every offer, every quotation and every agreement concluded with regards to all products and services offered by Salmön+Salmön. In addition to these General Terms and Conditions, specific terms and conditions as stated in a specific Consultancy Agreement and/or Engagement letter between Salmön+Salmön and the Client may also apply. In case of ambiguity, inconsistency or conflict between the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions and the Consultancy Agreement, the Consultancy Agreement will always prevail.

These General Terms and Conditions apply to all professional relationships between Salmön+Salmön and its Client, regardless of the existence of the Client’s own general terms and conditions, even if they are more recent, unless they have been expressly accepted by Salmön+Salmön in writing, in whole or in part.

An amendment to Salmön+Salmön’ General Terms and Conditions is only possible in so far it has been explicitly accepted and signed in writing by an authorised representative of each of the contracting Parties.

The Service Agreement sets forth the entire agreement and intent of the Parties in respect with Salmön+Salmön’s obligations regarding the Services and replaces all prior agreements and understandings entered into between them in writing, either verbally, or tacitly.

Articolo 2: Attuazione dell'Accordo di servizio

The Service Agreement between Salmön+Salmön and the Client shall be considered as accepted either at the time that the Parties sign the Consultancy Agreement and/or Salmön+Salmön receives the Engagement Letter or similar instructions to proceed by email or at the time that Salmön+Salmön starts the delivery of the Services at the Client’s request, if this commencement were to take place at an earlier time.

A Salmön+Salmön quote is indicative and can be reviewed upon receipt of materials from the Client. The quote, as per the terms previously indicated, will be valid for 30 calendar days. It only counts in its entirety and offers no guarantee for prices in the future. All prices are without VAT and are calculated in EUR.

La nullità (e l'annullamento) di una clausola sarà limitata a tale clausola e non avrà effetto sulle altre sezioni dell'accordo. Le Parti si impegnano a compiere tutti gli sforzi necessari per sostituire una clausola che appare nulla o inapplicabile con una clausola che si avvicini il più possibile al risultato che la clausola annullata intende raggiungere.

Article 3: Provision of information to Salmön+Salmön by the Client

For Salmön+Salmön to provide its Services, the Client shall in due course provide the necessary assistance to Salmön+Salmön and provide correct, complete, reliable data, access to analytics, and documents, even if this information originates from third parties. Unless expressly agreed in writing, Salmön+Salmön shall not verify the data and documents submitted by the Client. Salmön+Salmön may claim additional costs resulting from a delay in the delivery of the Services as a result of the Client’s failure to comply with the provisions of this article 3.

The Client shall inform Salmön+Salmön of any information or development that comes to its knowledge, and which could have an influence on the Services.

Salmön+Salmön may rely on any instruction, request or notification or information given, orally or in writing, by any person of whom it knows or of whom it can reasonably assume that this person has been authorised by the Client to communicate with it for such purposes.

Articolo 4: Esecuzione dell'incarico

Salmön+Salmön determines how and by whom the Services will be performed. The Services will be performed expertly and with care based on the information provided. Salmön+Salmön reserves the right to replace the persons who will be involved in the provision of Services by other persons with the same or similar abilities. The Client explicitly agrees that Salmön+Salmön is allowed to call upon subcontractors in order to perform (parts of) the agreed Services.

Salmön+Salmön is not obliged to update a report, advice or any other product of the Services, orally or in writing, as a result of events that take place after the advice, report or the product in question has been delivered in its final form, unless it has been expressly agreed to provide such an update during the term of the commitment.

The Client agrees that Salmön+Salmön can communicate with the Client by e-mail in the context of the services. If Salmön+Salmön works with third parties for the provision of the Services, all communication shall go through Salmön+Salmön, unless otherwise agreed.

Without detracting from Salmön+Salmön responsibility relating to the Services, the Client remains responsible for:

  • Le sue decisioni di gestione politica e la sua gestione operativa.
  • Prendere tutte le decisioni che possono influire sui Servizi o sul loro risultato, o che possono influire sugli interessi del Cliente.

Articolo 5: Allargamento del campo di applicazione

Salmön+Salmön shall not carry out additional activities without notifying the Client in advance. The latter shall receive a new price proposal for this or chooses to have the extra work carried out on a time and expense basis at a previously agreed hourly rate.

Durante l'esecuzione dell'incarico il Cliente può proporre adeguamenti, aggiunte o correzioni all'ambito dei Servizi. Eventuali adeguamenti, aggiunte o correzioni su richiesta del Cliente possono comportare un adeguamento del prezzo.

Articolo 6: fatturazione

Al momento della conferma dell'incarico, il Cliente verserà un acconto che sarà calcolato in base alle caratteristiche, all'ambito, alla natura e ai termini del progetto e dei servizi da fornire.

In absence of a specific agreement as per the preceding paragraph, the Client will pay an advance payment amounting to 50% of the quote provided as per Article 2 above, excluding VAT. If the agreement is a 12 months agreement, an advance of 25% is being demanded before starting activities. The retainer fee and/or advance payment will be computed to the final amount for the services actually provided and will be reflected on the invoices delivered by Salmön+Salmön to the Client.

Le Parti stabiliranno la frequenza con cui le fatture saranno emesse al Cliente, a seconda delle caratteristiche, della natura e della portata dei servizi da fornire (mensilmente, in un'unica soluzione, ecc.).

The Client compromises to settle Salmön+Salmön invoices within a maximum term of 30 days since their issuance, unless otherwise agreed. In case of late settling, Salmön+Salmön might apply an additional fee for belated payments in accordance with the applicable law and depending on the money general interests established by the authorities at the time of the issuance of the invoice.

The Client expresses its explicit agreement with Salmön+Salmön’ electronic invoicing, unless otherwise agreed. The Client receives the invoice at the e-mail address specified or the e-mail address with which he accepted the quote.

Articolo 7: durata e risoluzione

The quote may specify an execution deadline of the engagement. The execution deadline provided by Salmön+Salmön is purely indicative, unless otherwise agreed. It shall respect said deadline to the best of its abilities.

If the Client wishes to terminate the Service Agreement prematurely, before the awarded engagement has been terminated or before the agreed term has expired, it shall inform Salmön+Salmön of this in writing 1 month in advance. The period of notice of 1 month starts on the day after the acknowledgement of the termination. All delivered performance and incurred costs, increased with a conventional compensation of 30%, are due in any case and will be invoiced at the end of the collaboration. In the event of early termination, the Client shall also owe a termination fee of 30% of the residual value of the earnings that was not performed due to the early termination.

Articolo 8: obiezione

If a client does not agree with an invoice, an objection must be communicated by email within 8 calendar days. Otherwise, Salmön+Salmön shall consider the invoice as having been accepted.

Articolo 9: termine di pagamento

Il termine di pagamento di ogni fattura è di 30 giorni di calendario dalla data della fattura, se non diversamente concordato.

Tutte le fatture devono essere pagate alla data di scadenza e senza sconti.

In case advertising budgets need to be managed by Salmön+Salmön, the latest will charge a monthly handling fee 10% of the media spent.

In the absence of a correct payment on the due date, the Client, by operation of law and without notice of default, shall owe Salmön+Salmön an additional 15% of the invoice amount with a minimum of 50 € per invoice for each month of delay, except if Salmön+Salmön is able to prove it suffered damages because of the late payment.

Inoltre, si applicherà un interesse di mora pari al tasso di interesse stabilito dal Ministro delle Finanze ai sensi dell'articolo 5 della legge del 2 agosto 2002 sui ritardi di pagamento nelle transazioni commerciali. Tutte le spese di riscossione giudiziarie ed extragiudiziarie sono a carico del Cliente.

Le fatture scadute danno a #NotOnlyIdeas il diritto di sospendere l'incarico in corso fino al completo pagamento, senza che il Cliente possa rivalersi su di esso, né chiedere alcun danno.

Articolo 10: responsabilità

All Salmön+Salmön’ services are provided in good faith. Salmön+Salmön’ commitment is a best-effort commitment.

Salmön+Salmön is not liable for inaccuracies in briefing documents, incorrect figures, incorrect or incomplete information received from the Client.

Salmön+Salmön is not liable, except in case of fraud, gross negligence or deliberate misconduct. Salmön+Salmön’s liability shall in any case be restricted to foreseeable, direct and personal damage suffered. Under no circumstance can Salmön+Salmön be held liable for indirect damage (loss of business opportunities, loss of profit, commercial losses, disappointing expectations, missed subsidies, loss of data or the disclosure of confidential information, etc.). Salmön+Salmön’s liability can never be more than the compensation that the Client paid to #NotOnlyIdeas for earnings in the calendar year in which the Client suffered the damage.

Articolo 11: Non divulgazione

Both the Client and Salmön+Salmön shall treat all information they receive in the context of an engagement confidentially. The industrial secrets or any confidential information may not be disclosed to third parties or used for purposes other than for the performance of the contract, even after termination of the Service Agreement. Among others, the Client may not share Salmön+Salmön’ working method and documents with third parties without prior written approval. A penalty of forty thousand euros – €40.000 – shall be payable.

Articolo 12: Diritti di proprietà intellettuale

Both the Client and Salmön+Salmön must respect all intellectual property rights of the other party or of a third party. Nothing in this agreement shall be construed or interpreted as a transfer of the intellectual property rights of one party to the other party.

The Parties acknowledge and agree that the Client, upon payment of all the invoices issued in relation to the Services performed, will hold all intellectual property rights in any work product directly resulting from the Services agreed including, but not limited to, copyright and trademark rights. Salmön+Salmön agrees not to claim any such ownership in such work product’s intellectual property at any time prior to or after the completion and delivery of such work product to the Client.

However, and unless expressly agreed otherwise in writing, Salmön+Salmön will have the right to use, free of charge, any copyrighted material such as sketches, designs, images, ideas, texts, or any other material or documentation created or communicated within the context of the commission for the performance of commissions for third parties. The Client is only permitted to use the result of the commission delivered by Salmön+Salmön for the purpose as described in the quote. Any use that differs from the quote is not permitted, except with Salmön+Salmön’ prior written consent.

Articolo 13: Trattamento dei dati personali

The Client confirms that the personal data it discloses to Salmön+Salmön in the context of the provision of services and the Service Agreement, shall be processed in accordance with the provisions and principles of the GDPR and other applicable legal regulations. Salmön+Salmön acts as data controller within the context of its Services, whereby Salmön+Salmön must also comply with certain legal obligations and transactions. Salmön+Salmön shall process the received personal data as data controller on the grounds of the Service Agreement. Salmön+Salmön takes appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect the personal data against unauthorised and unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction, alteration or damage of the personal data, in accordance with the GDPR. Salmön+Salmön may disclose the personal data to employees and/or third parties who support Salmön+Salmön for the provision of the Services. They shall also take the necessary and appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect the personal data.

Le parti si informano reciprocamente e senza indugio non appena ricevono una richiesta da parte di un interessato o vengono a conoscenza di una controversia o di un reclamo relativi al trattamento dei dati personali e non appena vengono a conoscenza di una violazione che comporta la distruzione, la perdita o la divulgazione illecita dei dati personali in possesso delle parti.

Furthermore, you will inform Salmön+Salmön without delay if you become aware of an infringement of any of the provisions of the GDPR with regard to the processing of your personal data.

Articolo 14: Inadempienza

Salmön+Salmön reserves the right to request proof of creditworthiness of the Client from the moment of non-payment or late payment. If the Client does not provide this evidence, Salmön+Salmön has the right to terminate the agreement with immediate effect.

If necessary, the Client is not entitled to damages or any other compensation from Salmön+Salmön.

Articolo 15: Legge applicabile e giurisdizione

The agreement between the Client and Salmön+Salmön, and all agreements arising from this are governed by Belgian law. Only the courts and tribunals of Brussels have jurisdiction.