Direct Marketing Strategies on Facebook? You should give it a try.


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Direct Marketing Strategies Facebook

Contrary to popular belief, yes, you can sell through Facebook to unknown people!

There are, however, some conditions to create a successful direct marketing strategy on platforms like Facebook. Here we go:

  1. There has to be a high need and interest towards your offer.
  2. Your ad has to be shown to a wide audience – think 50,000 to 100,000 Facebook users.
  3. Your product can’t be too expensive – exceeding the 200 euro limit will make your challenge a lot harder.

How to master your direct marketing strategy

Target broad and similar audiences

It is very important to have a wide audience to start with. This will generate a smaller audience that ends up buying your product. Then, look for more people based on similar interests. Repeat this process to get a nice selection of buyers.


Assign low budgets to different test audiences

Create different ad groups and assign a low budget to them. This way, you’ll quickly see which profile is converting better – so you can invest more budget in that campaign.


Test different variables in your ads

When designing a campaign, make sure to test different versions of the ads by modifying the following elements:

  • Ad text
  • Ad image.
  • Call to action link
  • Call to action button

By testing the different designs and analysing the data, you’ll be able to further optimise your campaigns.


Optimise the landing page

If you want to create ads that satisfy your customers and encourage conversions, you should let your customers know what’s in it for them.

Six recommendations for a landing page that sells

  • Improve the copy of the website by offering more arguments to customers to justify the sale of the product.
  • Insert a sales video. Video has become a very successful format, showing a clear message to potential buyers and increasing the time spent on your website.
  • Add testimonials. Your best ambassadors are your past buyers!
  • Provide a complete Q&A section. The more information you give your customers, the better.
  • Consider installing a live chat. People buy from people and giving them a chance to talk to someone live to answer their questions or give them advice really generates more conversions.
  • Implement scarcity. Offer a discount or offer special conditions for a certain period of time only.  Generate the feeling of exclusivity!

Feeling convinced? Give this strategy a try using our recommendations and let us know how it went!


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